Katie Skelly was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1985. She lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.

She is represented by Inkwell Management and United Talent Agency.





Eisner nomination, Best Anthology: Twisted Romance, edited by Alex de Campi, 2019.

Cartoon Crossroads Columbus Festival, Emerging Artist Prize, 2015.


Publications – Print

Queen of the Ring: Wrestling Drawings by Jaime Hernandez (Ed.), Fantagraphics Books, 2021.

Maids, Fantagraphics Books, 2020.

Twisted Romance: Heartbreak Incorporated, written by Alex de Campi, Image Comics, 2018.

The Agency, Fantagraphics Underground, 2018.

My Pretty Vampire, Fantagraphics Books, 2017.

Island #6, Image Comics, 2016.

Operation Margarine, AdHouse Books, 2014.

Nurse Nurse, Sparkplug Books, 2012.

“Breeding Season,” Thickness #1, edited by Ryan Sands and Michael DeForge, 2011.

Solo Exhibitions

Skellyworld, The Naughton Gallery, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2019.

Group Exhibitions

Ready? OK!, The Naughton Gallery, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2018.

18+, Recspec Gallery, Austin, TX, 2018.

Speculative Skins, The Naughton Gallery, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2018.

From Panel to Panel X: C/Overt Movement in Comicana, Medialia Gallery, New York, NY, 2014.

Face Value, Telegraph Gallery, Charlottesville, VA, 2013.

Sequential, World Artist Network, Bridgeport, CT, 2013.

Karma-Con, Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY, 2012.


Salkowitz, Rob. “The Best Graphic Novels of 2020.” Forbes, 2020.

Lehoczky, Elena. “Underestimating These 'Maids' Is A Fatal Mistake.” NPR, 2020.

Miller, Rachel. “Welcome to Skellyworld”. The Naughton Gallery exhibition guide. August 2019.

Mayer, Petra. “Cartoonists Tell Us: What Do Comics Mean To You?”. NPR. July 2017.


City College of New York, New York, NY

--Graduate coursework, Art History, 2009-2010.

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

--BA, Art History, 2007.

Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, PA

--Undergraduate coursework, 2002.